SHOW SUPPORT FOR VICTIMS OF HURRICANE HARVEY(a facebook user posted this pic )

The Picture above was posted by a Facebook user, seeking help for a bedridden old woman who was on
her hospital bed in her home at the
time of posting. ,According to the Facebook User water was rising around
her hospital bed.

The effect if Hurricane Harvey is devastating ,It dumped an estimated 27 trillion gallons of rain over Texas and Louisiana during a 6-day period, says Ryan Maue of WeatherBell, a weather analytics company.

The rainfall has set a record for the most ever from a landfalling tropical cyclone in the continental US. Estimates put eventual total losses atas much as $75 billion. And the death toll continues to climb everyday.

The word catastrophic does not appropriately describe what we're facing," said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who represents much of Houston. "We just don't know when it's going to end."

Harvey has lead to loss of lives , properties and jobs.