About 12 Local Government have been addected by the flood in Benue state this include Markudi the state Capital.

Mr Terver Akase ,the chief press secretary to the Benue state Governor made the following revelation to The Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria.

 “available records as uncovered by the Justice Kpojime Judicial Commission of Inquiry uncovered that N2 billion ecological fund was released to the state in December 2013."

“If the money had not been diverted into private pockets but expended on the purpose it was meant for, the magnitude of the present flooding would have been averted.”He added refering to N2bn ecological fund released by the federal government for the state which  he alleged was diverted in 2013 under the then governor, Gabriel Suswam

Officials of the Child Protection Network made a statement on the loss of lives and possible risk of an epidemic

“There were three deaths, two adults and one child. At the Government approved IDP Camp, up to 4 families are reported to be accommodated in one room. This suggests the possible risk of an epidemic as some hospitals in affected locations are reported to have shut down due to the flood,” the agency noted.

The situation report by BSEMA on flooding in the state compared with that issued by Child Protection Network official, Nathaniel Awuapila, on Monday, and obtained by PREMIUM TIMES on Tuesday, revealed that 12 local governments are affected in the disaster.

“There is a strong likelihood of the situation is getting worse as we are only beginning to experience the peak of the rainy season. There is also the possibility of water from Lagdo Dam in Cameroon being released.

The basis of this analysis is reconnaissance by professional civil society actors and statements by Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency,” Mr. Awuapila said. The network appealed for humanitarian assistance from the public to assist victims of the disaster adding that most victims had lost their life savings.

“Family livelihoods are at significant risk. Some families engaged in exclusive agricultural pursuits who are caught in the emergency have lost their crops, their houses having also been swept away. Some petty trading businesses have closed down, which suggests harder times for the affected families.

”Particularly vulnerable groups include nursing mothers, pregnant women, children 0-5 years, children with disabilities, children with ailments, and the elderly,” it said.

The report by the organisation stressed further that “affected children run the risk of losing schooling opportunities as schools are flooded. Malnutrition, especially among children is a real expected danger as many children may also be exposed to infections and diseases.”

Rise in sea level is a major factor responsible for heavy flood.The problem of poor drainage system and inproper waste disposal system in Nigerian is another factor .

“the fight against flooding is a collective one that needs the cooperation of all Benue people by avoiding indiscriminate dumping of refuse. Mr Akase Said

“We call on the people to also avoid blocking of drainages or building on waterways.” he added.