Poor work environment for African women

In most societies women are opressed from birth , such societies encourage abandonment and rejection of female children at birth. Women 's  right are violated even in countries with commendable human right laws. 
Exploitation of women at the workplace,religion and education Institutions: It is important to take an insight into exploitation of women at the work place,education and religion institutions. Organizations in my country give female employees specific targets to meet yearly, this include the amount of customers they are expected to attract and convince to invest in these companies and huge amounts of cash expected for them to generate. This leads to compulsory prostitution of working women. Female employees are not allowed to get pregnant for specific number of years after they are employed. 
The religion and education institutions are places with high standards, and “go to” sources for moral and other forms of education. The hidden truth is that these institutions are places that harbor rapists and pedophiles in our societies. These perpetrators get away with  crimes because society sweeps news of such activities under the rug to maintain standards.
Based on my experience as a co-counselor, and working with women , i have learnt that women find it difficult to open up about their abusive situations out of pride which comes from miseducation in our cultures and societies. Culture and religion give huge responsibility to the woman even though they are told and made to believe they are the weaker sex.
2. (fear of so many things that could occure if things go wrong.
3.LACK OF EDUCATION:This also apply to women with Master degrees and PHD. The education institution in most countries does not teach women's right, most issues i have come across are not of illiterate victims but women with certificates who still do not know their rights and what actions to take when they are abused in any way.
4.FINANCE:without finance a woman feels powerless.
5. BAD SUPPORT SYSTEM: Most cultures shame women who are divorced ,It has become  normal for relatives to encourage women in abusive relationships to endure and continue to live with their abusers.
In various cultures in the world women are expected to meet certain standards, some cultures and religion compel women not to show their faces in the presence of men who are non family members. 
Women's place is considered to be in kitchens and  bedrooms , women are expected to endure every kind of maltreatment by their husbands and inlaws. A woman is not expected to talk back in presence of her husband and inlaws during aguements,women also teach their female children that being ideal women is to learn to endure all the sufferings mentioned above and more to keep their families happy.
It is "Time " to teach women that their happiness also matters .
Some societies purposely subject women to limited education. "An empowered woman is a liberated woman" .


Based on a report by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services "Non-accidental use of force that results in bodily injury,pain,or impairment. This includes, but is not limited to ,being slapped, burned,cut,bruised or improperly physically restrained."
Slapping, flogging and bruising is considered an appropriate form of discipline in some part of the world .There have been recorded cases of physical abuse which has led to loss of life.


According to a definition by Wikipedia. "Psychological abuse (also referred to as psychological violence, emotional abuse or mental abuse) is a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting,or exposing,another person to behavior that may result in psychological  trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression or post-traumatic stress disorder."
Financial abuse is mostly overlooked when domestic violence is being discussed. According to the Center for Disease Control, one in four women in the United States experience physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime; a study from Michigan State University that surveyed 103 domestic violence survivors found that 99 percent of them also experienced some form of economic abuse.

Financial abuse is a method used by abusers to gain power and control over their victims by hindering their partners access to finance and assets, This is done to prevents them from walking away from the abuse
Women who have gone through or are going through domestic violence ,even when they discharge on their oppression and finally figure out solutions to their situation ,their first concern becomes their inability to take charge and walk out of such abusive situations because they Lack  finance.
Question like "Where do i go now??" "How will i take care of my kids without any financial assistance"
And u hear words like "i will endure any situation for my children's sake" "at least it wont kill me ,its better than being homeless and a begger"
It is difficult for victims of any kind of abusive relationship to walk away if they are in any way financially handicaped.
Women in some cultures and society do not have equal employment opportunities as men and are often  paid less than men.
Seeking help from a well trained counselor is very important for victims of any form of abuse, discharging on their hurt will enable re-emergence and reclaiming of their intelligence to help them figure out solutions for themselves and move bravely into the future, instead of dwelling on the barren past. 

Do you think women are being exploited ? I will appreciate your comments, pls click "comment" and comment on the box.
